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Example: Create a Static Group in Democorp

This example shows how to create a new static group entry in the Democorp directory by loading it from an LDIF file.

This group lists the first aid officers in Democorp. It is already populated with two group members.

To add a static group to the Democorp directory

  1. Save the following in a text file named firstaid.ldif:
    version: 1
    dn: cn=First Aid Officers,ou=Groups,o=DEMOCORP,c=AU
    objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames
    objectClass: top
    cn: First Aid Officers
    uniqueMember: cn=Craig LINK,ou=Administration,ou=Corporate,o=DEMOCORP,c=AU
    uniqueMember: cn=Vivienne LEVER,ou=Administration,ou=Corporate,o=DEMOCORP,c=AU
  2. Open a command prompt and change to the directory in which you saved the LDIF file.
  3. Load the entry into the Democorp directory, using the following command in the command prompt:
    dxmodify -a -h hostname -p portnumber -f firstaid.ldif
    -h hostname

    Specifies the name of the computer on which the DSA is running.

    -p portnumber

    Specifies the port number of the DSA. By default, the Democorp sample DSA uses port 19389.

    The new entry First Aid Officers can now be used as a static group. You can now add or delete members from this group.