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Example: Aliases in Democorp

The following diagram shows part of the directory information tree for the Democorp DSA. The DIT has been edited to include the following aliases:

This example includes the following alias entries:

cn=Bernd Stark,ou=Aviation,ou=Projects,o=Democorp

This is an alias entry that points to cn=Bernd Stark,ou=Construction,ou=Projects,o=Democorp.

This entry has the object class alias, and the attribute aliasedObjectName has the value cn=Bernd Stark,ou=Construction,ou=Projects,o=Democorp.


This is an alias entry that points to ou=Construction,ou=Projects,o=Democorp.

This entry also has the object class alias, and the attribute aliasedObjectName has the value ou=Construction,ou=Projects,o=Democorp.