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dxserver Command—Start, Stop, Install, or Initialize DSAs

The dxserver command starts, stops, installs, initializes, or reports on one or all DSAs.

This command has the following format:

dxserver options;
forcestop dsaname

Stops the DSA dsaname even if it has multiwrite queues.

init dsaname | all

Signals one or all DSAs dsaname to reread the configuration files (if running). For example:

dxserver init DemoCorp-Host5-democorp
install dsaname

Adds dsaname to the list of servers to start at system startup. For example:

dxserver install DemoCorp-Host5-democorp

Note: On Windows, the dxserver start command implicitly does an install.

remove dsaname

Removes dsaname from the auto-startup list, for example:

dxserver remove DemoCorp-Host5-democorp

Note: You must stop the DSA before you remove it.

start dsaname | all

Starts one or all DSAs. For example:

dxserver start DemoCorp-Host5-democorp
status dsaname

Reports the running status of a DSA. For example:

dxserver status DemoCorp-Host5-democorp

If you omit dsaname, the status of all DSAs is reported.

stop dsaname | all

Stops one or all DSAs. For example:

dxserver stop DemoCorp-Host5-democorp

Displays information about the version of CA Directory that is installed.