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DXloaddb Tool—Load a Datastore from an LDIF File

Use DXloaddb to load a datastore from a LDIF file. The datastore must already exist. All previous information in the datastore is deleted.

Usage notes:

This command has the following format:

dxloaddb [options] dsa ldif-file 

Denotes one or more of the following options:


Specifies that DXloaddb does not do any actions.


Specifies that DXloaddb includes standard operational attributes, such as password policy (for example, number of login attempts), and time stamp attributes. If this option is specified, DXloaddb creates any operational attributes that are not defined in the LDIF file.


Specifies that DXloaddb produces the following statistics concerning the datastore:

  • Total data size in MB
  • Total number of entries
  • Number of entries ignored
  • Amount of padding in the datastore file in KB
  • Average number of entries per MB

Specifies verbose output.


The name of the LDIF file to load into the datastore.


Defines the DSA whose datastore is to be loaded.

Example: Create and Load a Datastore

The correct sequence in which to create and load a datastore is:


Example: Load LDIF Data into Datastore

The following example loads the data from democorp.ldif file to datastore democorp:

dxloaddb democorp democorp.ldif 

IThe following is a possible part of democorp.ldif :

dn: o=Democorp, c=US
oc: organization
dn: ou=Administration, o=Democorp, c=US
oc: organizationalUnit
dn: cn=Fred Jones, ou=Administration, o=Democorp, c=US
oc: organizationalPerson
postalAddress: 11 Main Street $ Newtown
surname: Jones
title: Manager
telephonenumber: +1 (123) 456 7890
telephonenumber: +1 (987) 654 3210
dn: ou=Sales, o=democorp, c=US
oc: organizationalUnit

Telephonenumber appears twice because it is a multi-valued attribute