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Connect to a Remote DSA Console

You can connect to a DSA from any UNIX or Windows if a remote console port and password have been set for that DSA.

To connect to a remote DSA Console

  1. Open a command prompt on a remote computer.
  2. Enter the following command:
    telnet host-name remote-port-number

    Specifies the name of the host on which the DSA is running.


    Specifies the remote console port number of the remote DSA to which you want to connect.

Important! If you do not want the password to be displayed when it is entered, turn local echo OFF on the Telnet session.

Example: Connect to a DSA Remotely

The following command connects to the DSA that uses the remote console port 19392 on the host eagle:

telnet eagle 19392

More information:

How the DSA Console Works

Configure a DSA Console Using DXmanager