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Configuring How the OC Attribute Is Stored

You can configure how the object class attribute (single value or multiple values) is stored within the directory.

By default, the DSA adds the object classes to the entry exactly as specified in the LDAP or DAP add request (for example, the object class attribute may have multiple OIDs). However, directory performance improves slightly when the object class attribute contains only a single value (the OID of the refined OC). However, this should not be the main influence over the object class design of attributes.

Where entries contain a single inherited object class and explicitly list all its superiors (their OC OIDs), the superiors can be removed, leaving the lowest-level object class in the hierarchy as a single OID value. Similarly, when entries are returned, the object class attribute can be automatically modified by the DSA to contain all the superior object classes.

This OC refinement information can be returned as OC OIDs because the directory maintains the object class structure rules that have been configured in its internal schema management control system.

For example, if a directory contains entries corresponding to people, then each entry can explicitly contain the following object classes within the datastore: