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Add an Alias

To add an alias with the add-entry-req command, you supply the object class alias and the attribute aliasedObjectName.

Aliases have no name binding rules, so you can add an alias entry anywhere in a DIT.

If when you add an alias, the DSA has alias integrity enabled, the DSA must be able to navigate to the entry that the alias points to.

Example: Add an Alias Entry

	entry = <countryname "AU">
		<organizationName "Democorp">
		<commonName "Brendan Randall">
	contents = {
		(objectClass alias)
			<countryname "AU">
			<organizationName "Democorp">
			<organizationalUnitName "Services">
			<organizationalUnitName "Networks">
			<commonName "Brendan Randall"> )