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Add a New Login Account in Tomcat

During installation, the administrative login account was created in tomcat-users.xml. You can add more accounts to this file, to allow other users to log in.

Note: CA recommends that you use this method for a test or demonstration system only. For a production system, use an existing directory or database for authentication.

Every login account in tomcat-users.xml must correspond to a user in the warehouse. The User ID must match the user name that you specify in the XML file.

Note: Before you begin, stop the Tomcat service: CA Directory Webserver. This disconnects any currently open sessions.

To add a new login account in Tomcat

  1. Find the following file, and open it in a text editor:
  2. Find the <tomcat-users> section, then add the following line:
    <user username="" password="" roles=""/>
  3. Update the following values in the new line:

    Specifies the name that the user enters when they log in to DXmanager. Make sure that this value corresponds to the User ID of a user in the warehouse.


    Specifies the password for this user. If you have enabled hashed passwords, include the hashed value here.


    Specifies the roles for this user. This is a comma-separated list, so you can specify more than one role.

  4. Save and close tomcat-users.xml.
  5. Start the Tomcat service: CA Directory Webserver.

    A user can now use this account to log in to DXmanager. The account's roles define what tasks they can do.

Example: Assign Two Roles to a User

The following snippet of tomcat-users.xml shows the details for two users:

<user name="Jenny Watts" 
roles="dxmanagerMonitor" />
<user name="Terry Morrow" 
roles="dxmanagerSuperUser" />

In this example, Jenny Watts has the Monitor role, and Terry Morrow has the Superuser role. This means that Jenny can only monitor DSAs and customize monitoring functionality. Terry can perform all DXmanager tasks as he has Superuser access.

Note: The passwords in this example are hashed, which means that hashed passwords must be enabled in Tomcat.

More information:

Methods for Setting Up Login Accounts

Authentication Using Existing Accounts

Configure Authentication to a Directory or Database

Hashed Passwords for Login Accounts

Enable Hashed Passwords in Tomcat