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Add a DSA to a Multiwrite-DISP System

You might want to add a DSA to a system, for example, to increase reliability.

To add a DSA to a multiwrite-DISP system

  1. Create the new peer DSA, for example, by using the DXnewsdsa tool.
  2. Configure the new DSA to enable multiwrite, for example, by following the instructions in Enable Multiwrite Replication Using Configuration Files.
  3. Configure the new DSA to enable DISP recovery, for example by adding the following command to the DSA configuration file:
    set multi-write-disp-recovery = TRUE;
  4. Reset the times in the DISP files on each host for all peer DSAs (including the newly added one) using the following command:
    dxdisp newDS

    This command updates the .dp file to prevent all other peer DSAs trying to replicate all their data to the new one.

    Note: For more information on these commands, see the Reference Guide.

  5. Take a consistent snapshot copy of one of the running DSAs.

    Note: You could use the DXdumpdb tool instead, but the procedure for using DXdumpdb is more involved than using this online dump method.

  6. Rename and move the file that is produced from the online dump to form the datastore file for the new DSA, as follows:

    Rename the database file existingDSA.zdb to newDSA.db

  7. Start the new DSA.

More information:

set multi-write-disp-recovery Command - Enable Multiwrite-DISP Recovery

DXdisp Tool—Clear or List the Update Time for Multiwrite-DISP Replications