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Known Issues Affecting All Operating Systems

Double Quotation Marks in a DN Cannot be Dumped or Processed Correctly by DXtools

If the DN of an entry contains double quotation marks, the DXdumpdb tool dumps it to an LDIF file with the quotation marks unchanged.

If you then try to use the LDIFsort tool, the entry is rejected with a message similar to the following:

Rejection reason: Problem normalizing the DN

If you then try to reload the LDIF tool, it is rejected with an error similar to the following:

Error: ':' separator not found in value-spec
Error: Bad LDIF entry at line 1844683.

DXsearch Output Cannot Be Used by DXloaddb

By default, the DXsearch tool includes some lines at the end of its output, similar to the following:

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 5
# numEntries: 4

If you attempt load DXsearch's output file using DXloaddb, you will see an error similar to the following:

bash-4.0$ ./bin/dxloaddb democorp democorp.ldi2
Could not determine attribute type: search
Invalid type definition found on line 37
Error while reading from ldif file
Error while writing db

To avoid this issue, use the -LLL parameter with the the DXsearch command. This removes the problem lines from the output.

Misleading Alarm Message When Declaring a Setting Twice

If a setting is defined twice, you will see errors similar to the following after you upgrade:

[112] 20100830.084539.200 DSA_W1970 Old-style configuration: changing item 'summary-log'
[112] 20100830.084539.200 DSA_W1970 Old-style configuration: changing item 'trace-log'

These error messages mean that the problem configuration item is defined twice.

Action Required After DXmanager Upgrade

After you upgrade DXmanager, you must restart all Internet Explorer sessions running DXmanager before you can see the new functionality.

In addition, if you switch back and forth between different versions of DXmanager on the same computer, you must clear the Java cache each time you go back to the older version. For more information about how to clear the Java cache, see the Administration Guide.

IE7 Maintains DXmanager Session After Tab is Closed

In Internet Explorer 7, if you have logged in to DXmanager, closing the tab does not terminate the session. This means that if you re-open the tab, or open a new tab to the same address, the browser continues the session without requiring you to log in again. This can present a security risk.

To work around this issue, log out of DXmanager before you close the tab, or close the browser, not just the tab.

DXmanager Only Allows One DXadmind Port and Password

DXmanager can store only one port number and password for the DXadmind processes on every computer.

This means that during installation, you should set the same values for these on each host.

After installation, when you are using DXmanager to set up the directory backbone, you will specify the DXadmind port and password that you set during the installation.

DXmanager May Incorrectly Show a Stopped or Started DSA as Initializing

After deploying a new configuration, DXmanager may incorrectly show a DSA as initializing, when the DSA is, in fact, stopped or running.

To update the state of the DSA and correct the display, do the following:

  1. Right click on the DSA icon.
  2. If the Start DSA and Stop DSA options are available, click one of these.

    If these options are not available, restart CA Directory Webserver.

    This will change the DSA to the selected state, and the display will be correct.

DXmanager Chart Issues

The following DXmanager chart issues exist:

To work around this issue, re-request the chart. To do this, navigate to a configuration page and then back to the main tabbed page for charts on the dashboard. Alternatively, clear then redefine a chart request for the charts tab.

DXmanager Does Not Validate All Data Entry Fields

If you deploy a configuration with invalid settings, DXserver will not start. Take care when entering configuration values.

DXmanager Drop-down Menus Show Unexpected Behavior

Some second level drop-down menus display the options you can select at a random location on the screen. To work around this, select the second level tabs directly.

No Monitoring in a Pure IPv6 Environment

Monitoring in a pure IPv6 environment does not work. This means that DXmanager does not provide:

Note: Monitoring does work in an IPv4 or IPv4/IPv6 hybrid environment.

Cannot Start DSA after Upgrade from CA Directory 8.1

The following settings are no longer valid. Remove them from your configuration:

set limit-list = true|false;
set limit-search = true|false;
set eis-count-attr = dxentrycount;