Previous Topic: Default Installation Locations on UNIX

Next Topic: Install CA Directory Interactively on UNIX from CD

Choose an Installation Method

You can install CA Directory on UNIX in the following ways:

Install interactively, with a script

The installation script lets you install each package in CA Directory. This script prompts you to enter information as the installation progresses.

Install with commands

You can use commands to install the Directory and Directory Management packages. You cannot install the other packages with commands.

Install silently, with or without a response file

You can install the Directory and Directory Management packages silently (or unattended). This means that no user input is required during the installation process, and no feedback from the installation process appears on the screen.

If you install silently without a response file, the installation process uses default values, which you cannot change.

If you install silently with a response file, the installation process uses the values in the response file that you created.