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Prevent Network Flooding

To prevent network flooding, you can throttle multiwrite replication updates.This is particularly useful where network links are unreliable.

By default, a multiwrite DSA sends up to ten multiwrite operations without waiting for a response from the replication peer DSA. If the DSA has not received any response to those ten operations, it stops sending updates to that DSA. Further updates will be queued against the peer DSA and the queue will drain as responses from the peer are received.

For most implementations the default of ten is sufficient. you should not change this value unless there is a specific reason. The default multiwrite operation threshold should only be changed by someone with advanced network knowledge and only if the speed of the replication is of concern.

In normal circumstances, changing this parameter will have little effect. However, if there is a problem with multiwrite performance over latent links, changing this setting to a higher value may improve the situation.

To prevent network flooding

  1. Add the set multi-write-outstanding-ops command to the limits file.
  2. Stop and restart the DSA.

More information:

set multi-write-outstanding-ops Command