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How the EIS Works

In a search filter, the entry information selection (EIS) is the attributes that are to be returned in the search results.

If an EIS is passed in on the view search then all phase searches will include this and include any linking attributes not present. This overrides the EIS specified for each phase.

If no EIS is passed in on the view search then the phase search will include any phase EIS attributes plus any linking attributes not present.

If a phase search returns multiple entries with the same linking attribute or a linking attribute with multiple values, then the searches will branch off. This occurs when the relationship between objects is one-to-many or many-to-many. When this occurs the next phase search's filter will contain an OR of the filter defined. For example, 2 entries are returned and 'attr' is the linking attribute. Entry 1 has attr = 1, attr = 2 and entry 2 has attr = 3. If the next phase search filter is (attr=$attr) then the search performed will have filter (|(attr=1)(attr=2)(attr=3)).

You can modify EIS in the following ways:

In a view search, if the EIS is dxEntryCount then the views will returned a single entry with a dxEntryCount attribute. The value of this attribute is the number of entries that would be returned by the view for this search.