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seeAlso initial and final Searches Take into Consideration LDAP/X.500 Order

The initial and final search filter of the seeAlso attribute now works correctly for LDAP and X.500 searches.

The seeAlso attribute has a syntax of distinguishedName (DN) and is stored in the X.500 order. An LDAP DN has the reverse order of a DN in X.500. Therefore swap over the initial or final LDAP search before applying it to the CA Directory search.

For example, if the seeAlso LDAP attribute has a value of:

cn=Cora BALDWIN,ou=Applications,ou=Customer,o=DEMOCORP,c=AU 

then this value is stored internally as

<c AU><o DEMOCORP><ou Customer><ou Applications><cn "Cora BALDWIN">

If you use an LDAP search filter of (seeAlso=*o=DemoCorp,c=AU), then the query is automatically changed to (c=AU,o=DEMOCORP,*), returning a result as expected. This applies to any attribute with distinguishedName Syntax.