Previous Topic: Create Class-of-Service Templates

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View Class-of-Service Templates

To view templates in use in a DSA, use the following command from the DSA console:

get class-of-service;

This produces a listing of each class-of-service template in use, with the template label at the top.

Example: Output from the get class-of-service Command

The template for the standard class of service at Excellent ISP appears, as follows:

************** standard **************
class-of-service =
target object class	: excellentISPUser
target attribute	: excellentISPPackage
target value		: "Standard"
attribute list =
attribute		: excellentISPmailQuotaMB
value/s		: "20"
disposition		: default
attribute		: excellentISPwebSpaceMB
value/s		: "20"
disposition		: default
attribute		: excellentISPaccessHours
value/s		: "15"
disposition		: override
attribute		: excellentISPprice
value/s		: "19.95"
disposition		: default
attribute		: excellentISPextraHoursPrice
value/s		: "1.00"
disposition		: default

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