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Update the Sample Directory Configuration Files

Each DSA that you have just created has an initialization file. This file sources other configuration files, which contain settings for access controls, schema, password policies, and other settings not included in DXmanager.

You can edit each DSA's initialization file to source different configuration files. You can also edit the configuration file to include any custom settings you may need.

To update the sample directory configuration files

  1. On one of the hosts, navigate to the folder that contains the initialization files:

    Each DSA's initialization file is contained here.

  2. Open the initialization file in a text editor, change the source statements to point to different configuration files, and then save the file.
  3. On the same host, navigate to the folders that contains the configuration files that the initialization file sources:
  4. Open a configuration file in a text editor, change the configuration commands, and then save the file.
  5. Repeat Steps 1-3 for each DSA on each host.
  6. Restart or reinitialize each DSA whose configuration you changed.

    The DSAs now use the new configuration.

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