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Control Tracing of Bindings

You can enable or disable traces of a binding's operations. Traces are useful for diagnosing performance issues with bindings.

To control tracing of bindings

  1. Use Telnet to connect to the DSA you want to check.
  2. (Optional) Use the following command to change the trace level:
    set trace = none | trace-level;
  3. Use the following command to determine the number of the binding that you want to trace:
    get users;
  4. Use the following command to enable tracing of the binding:
    trace enable assoc = binding_number;
  5. When you are finished, use the following command to stop tracing the binding:
    trace disable assoc = binding_number;

Example: Trace a Binding at Error Level

This example shows you how to show the error messages that are produced from an binding.

  1. Set the tracing to x500 level:
    set trace = x500;
  2. Determine the binding number of the user that requires tracing:
    get users;
  3. Use the binding number in the trace enable command:
    trace enable assoc = binding_number;

More information:

abandon Command—Cancel Operations

get users Command—Display the Current Bindings

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