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Supported Attribute Syntaxes

See the configuration files (.dxc) in the schema directory for the latest supported syntaxes.

All attribute syntaxes defined in X.520 are supported.

CA Directory also supports some attribute syntaxes defined in ACP 133. These are marked with * in the list below.

The supported attribute syntaxes are:

  • audio
  • binary
  • bitString*
  • boolean
  • caseExactIA5String
  • caseExactString
  • caseIgnoreAlphaString*
  • caseIgnoreIA5String
  • caseIgnoreList
  • caseIgnoreString
  • certificate
  • certificateList
  • distinguishedName
  • enumerated*
  • facsimileNumber
  • fax
  • generalizedTime
  • guide
  • integer
  • jpeg
  • mhsDLSubmitPermission*
  • mhsORAddress*
  • mhsORName*
  • nameAndOptionalUID
  • numericString
  • objectIdentifier
  • octetString
  • postalAddress
  • preferredDelivery
  • presentationAddress
  • printableString
  • printableStringList*
  • rIParameters*
  • telephoneNumber
  • teletexTerminalId
  • telexNumber
  • uTCTime

More information:

Attribute Syntaxes

set syntax-alias Command

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