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Set Up the UNSPSC Namespace Partition

These instructions describe how to add the UNSPSC namespace to the existing Democorp DIT.

To set up the UNSPSC namespace partition

  1. Navigate to the Namespace map.
  2. Right-click the c=au node and select Add new partition.
  3. On the General tab, enter the following details:
  4. On the Connections tab, enter the following details:
  5. On the Console tab, enter the following details:
  6. On the Monitoring tab, enter the following details:
  7. When you are satisfied with the settings, click OK.

    The Maps tab appears, showing the Namespace map. It should appear similar to the following:

    Screenshot of DXmanager, showing namespace partitions for Democorp and UNSPSC

  8. Save this version of the configuration, as follows:
    1. Click Configuration, Save.
    2. Enter a comment that describes the current state of the configuration, and then click OK.

    You can now set up the Root namespace partition.

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