Previous Topic: Example Access Control Policy

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Set Up the Example Access Control Policy

The directory architect has created a plain-English access control policy. To embody the policy in access control rules you need a set of configuration commands.

  1. Enable access controls:
    set access-controls = true;

    This denies all users any access. This provides a clear basis on which to apply layers of permissions.

  2. Delete any existing access control policies:
    clear access;
  3. Give DSA administrators all privileges (assuming a role called DSA-administrators has been defined):
    set super-user DSA-Administrators {
  4. Let authenticated users update their own entries:
    set reg-user owners {
    subtree=<o ACME><ou staff>
  5. Let PABX operators update all telephone numbers (assuming a role called pabx-operators has been defined):
    set admin-user pabx-operators {
    subtree=<o ACME>
  6. Let public users view (but not change) the name, e-mail address, and telephone number of staff:
    set public-user public-staff-info = {
    	subtree = <o ACME><ou staff>
  7. Let public users view (but not change) anything in the public subtree:
    set public-user public-info = {
    	subtree = <o ACME><ou public>
  8. Make passwords invisible to everyone except DSA administrators (this requires that only DSA administrators have the necessary access controls)
    set protected-items passwords {
    subtree=<o ACME>
    attrs = userPassword
  9. Make users administrators of their own passwords so they have update rights:
    set admin-user = {
    subtree=<o ACME><ou staff>
    attrs = userPassword

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