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Load Sharing

Load sharing lets a router DSA distribute incoming requests evenly among all DSAs in the same site that serve the same namespace partition. This improves performance.

DXmanager automatically sets up load sharing between DSAs in the same site that serve the same namespace partition.

If you do not use DXmanager you need to set the DSA knowledge to enable load-sharing. The DSA flags you can set are as follows:

Load-sharing works best within a site.

The router DSAs use a least-busy load-sharing algorithm, which uses an ordered list of DSAs serving each namespace partition. The routers favor the DSAs highest in the list that are not busy.

Note: DXmanager requires that DSAs that serve the same namespace partition must be on different hosts. Also, DXmanager only allows load-sharing between DSAs in the same region as the router.

Example: Load-Sharing Within the New York Site

The following diagram shows a router DSA connected to three data DSAs within the same site:

Example directory system that has one router DSA and three data DSAs in the same site, two of which have the same prefix

The two Customers DSAs have the same prefix, so the router shares the load for that prefix between those two DSAs.

More information:

Sites and Load Sharing

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