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The Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) documents consist of the main document plus four attachments detailing how CA Directory DSAs conform with DAP, DSP, DISP, and LDAP.




Recommendation X.586-6/ ISO/IEC 15126

CA Protocol Implementation Conformance Statements (PICS) and International Standardization Profiles (ISPs) for CA Directory.


This is the PICS and Internationalization Profiles (ISPs) response document for CA Directory.

All responses are regarding CA Directory DSAs. The DUA sections were left empty intentionally.

Recommendation X.583, ISO/IEC 13248-1 (1997 E)

CA Response to: Information Technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Directory Access Protocol: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma Recommendation X.583 - ISO/IEC 13248-1 for the eTrust Directory - Directory System Agent

PICS Attachment 1

This is the Directory Access Protocol (DAP) PICS response attachment for the Directory System Agent (DSA) as per recommendation X.583 – ISO/IEC 13248-1 for CA Directory

Recommendation X.584, ISO/IEC 13248-2 (1997 E)

CA Response to: Information Technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Directory System Protocol: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma Recommendation X.584 - ISO/IEC 13248-2 for the eTrust Directory - Directory System Agent

PICS Attachment 2

This is the Directory System Protocol (DSP) PICS response attachment for the Directory System Agent (DSA) as per recommendation X.584 – ISO/IEC 13248-2 for CA Directory.

Recommendation X.586, ISO/IEC 13248-4 (1997 E)

CA Response to: Information Technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Directory Information Shadowing Protocol: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma Recommendation X.586 - ISO/IEC 13248-4 for the eTrust Directory - Directory System Agent

PICS Attachment 3

This is the Directory Information Shadowing Protocol (DISP) PICS response attachment for the Directory System Agent (DSA) as per recommendation X.586 – ISO/IEC 13248-4 for CA Directory.

CEN/ISSS Directory Workshop Draft 5

CA Response to: CEN/ISSS Directory Workshop — Lightweight Directory Access Protocol V3: Level of Support of an LDAP Server Draft 5 – 25.5.1998 for the eTrust Directory - Directory System Agent.

PICS Attachment 4

This is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) PICS response attachment for the Directory System Agent (DSA) as per CEN/ISSS Directory Workshop Draft 5 document for CA Directory.

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