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Enable Persistent Search

This control allows a client to request notification when entries in a specified scope change.

This control can be used only if the scope it specifies is mastered by the DSA it is sent to. This is because the DSA does not coordinate with other directories (including CA Directory DSAs) holding the same or other parts of the DIT.

To enable persistent searching, use the following command:

set persistent-search = true; 

The control is specified in an Internet Draft that has expired. It is not subject to IETF standardization.

For more information, see draft-ietf-ldapext-psearch-03.txt on the IETF home page.

Limitations on Persistent Searching

Persistent searching can be used only where the namespace is managed by a single DSA. Only the local namespace is accessed, which means that there is little point in using it with routers.

For example, persistent searching does not work in the following situations:

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