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Overview of the Installation Process

When you install the CA Directory package, the installation process determines if this is a new installation or an upgrade.

If the installation is a new installation, the installation process does the following:

  1. Prompts you for the location where you want to install the software.
  2. Prompts you for dxadmind details (trusted host and password).
  3. Installs the software.

If the installation is an upgrade, the installation process:

  1. Prompts you to make a system backup and the location of the backup.
  2. Backs up the configuration.

    Note: The installation process does not back up any configuration held in XML files.

  3. Backs up the data.

    Note: Depending on the previous version that is installed, this backup is from databases or datastores.

  4. Advises you of the backup locations.
  5. Removes the old version of software and installs the new version.
  6. Restores the configuration and data.

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