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Operational Attributes

An operational attribute represents information used to control the operation of the directory (such as access control information), or used by the directory to represent some aspects of its operation.

If you use the all-extra-attrs or extra-attrs options, search requests include operational attributes in the reply.

Example: Read an entry returning all operational attributes

	entry = <c "AU"><o "Democorp">

The command returns all attributes of the entry, including all operational attributes, for example:

	<countryName "AU">
	<organizationName "Democorp">
	(objectClass organization)
	(organizationName "Democorp")
	(telephoneNumber "(03) 9727 8900")
	(creatorsName <countryName "AU"> <organizationName "Democorp"> <commonName "DSA Administrator">
	(createTimestamp 19980712035245Z)
	(modifiersName 	<countryName "AU"> <organizationName "Democorp"> <organizationalUnitName "Services"> <commonName "John Smith">
	(modifyTimestamp 19980718062137Z)
	(dseType (any)3,2,16)

You can select particular operational attributes.

Example: Read an Entry Returning Selected Operational Attributes

	entry = <c "AU"><o "Democorp"><ou "Corporate">
	extra-attrs = modifyTimestamp;

The command returns attributes and values of the entry, plus the requested operational attributes:

	<countryname "AU">
	<organizationName "Democorp">
	<organizationalUnitName "Corporate">
	(objectClass organizationalUnit)
	(organizationalUnitName "Corporate")
	(facsimileTelephoneNumber "(03) 9727 9722")
	(telephoneNumber "(03) 9727 9942") 
	(modifyTimestamp 19980718062137Z)

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