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Monitor the Directory Backbone Daily

To ensure that your directory continues to work well, perform the following tasks on a daily basis.

  1. Ensure that the DSA is still running.

    For example, on UNIX use the commands:

    ps -ef | grep dsa

    On Windows, use the Task Manager.

  2. Check the log files for each DSA. If a log file has a non-zero size, view the log and determine the cause of the error.
  3. Check the disk space to ensure that there is enough free space to perform a backup of the datastores used by the DSAs.
  4. Check the memory usage of each DSA.
  5. (Optional) If using Windows, check the application event log for errors.
  6. (Optional) If you want to monitor the load changes on a DSA, enable DSA stats tracing and check the stats log. This provides a summary of the number of operations performed each minute, and can be used to determine usage. For more information, see Using DSA Tracing.

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