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Methods for Setting Operation Limits

The following table summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of each method of setting limits on operations:





DSA-based limit

Limits can be set for an entire DSA.

All users binding to the DSA are constrained by these limits, unless they have role-based limits.

Simple to configure

Must stop and start DSA for changes to take effect

Cannot set different limits for administrative accounts or applications

Role-based limit

Limits can be assigned to a role.

When a member of that role binds to the directory, the limits for that role apply to the user.

Set limits once for a role, and all users with that role inherit the limits

Can change the limits without having to restart the DSA

Can run batch services that may return large search results without the need to run a separate DSA


Operational Limit

Limits can be included in a search request. These limits apply to that search request only.

Applications can control the amount of data returned

Relies on applications to set appropriate limits for their searches

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