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Make a Namespace Read-only

If a namespace is read-only then all DSAs that serve that namespace reject all update requests, and no router DSAs sends any update requests to those DSAs.

This guarantees update security and overrides any access controls.

To make a namespace read-only

  1. Log in to DXmanager as a user with the Change or Superuser role.
  2. Ensure that DXmanager is in Edit mode.
  3. Click the Maps tab and display the Namespace map.
  4. Right-click the namespace partition that you want to make read-only, and then select Edit properties.
  5. In the Namespace partition area, select the Read only check box, and then click OK.

    The configuration for this namespace partition has been updated.

  6. To apply the changes to the DSAs that serve this namespace partition, deploy the new configuration.

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