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Limit the Number of Bindings

You can limit the number of concurrent bindings that a DSA supports.

If a DSA receives a request for a new binding when it has already reached the maximum number of bindings, then it looks for a binding that it can abort to make room for the new request. It aborts an existing binding if the binding has reached its maximum bind time or its maximum guaranteed idle time. If there are no such bindings then the DSA rejects the request for a new binding.

To limit the number of bindings

  1. Use Telnet to connect to the DSA.
  2. On the DSA console, use the following command:
    set max-users = max-bindings;

Example: Limit Bindings to 100

The following command limits the number of concurrent bindings to 100:

set max-users = 100;

Example: Remove the DSA Limit to Bindings

The following command removes any DSA limit to the number of bindings. However, the operating system sets an upper limit to the number of bindings per DSA, which is based on the maximum number of file descriptors per process.

set max-users = 0;

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