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Knowledge Hiding

Knowledge hiding is sometimes used to deliberately give some DSAs no knowledge of other DSAs. A DSA cannot route a query to a DSA that it has no knowledge of.

The disadvantage of knowledge hiding is seen during failover: router DSAs need to know all DSAs that serve each namespace partition.

Knowledge hiding is not required if you use DXmanager, as is explained in the following table:

Reason to Use Knowledge Hiding


New Method using DXmanager

Reduce the number of edits to configuration files

Knowledge hiding reduced the amount of knowledge information stored in configuration files, which meant that after a configuration change, fewer files had to be edited.

Knowledge files are not used—You now use DXmanager to manage the whole directory backbone.

Prevent long searches from delaying other queries

Knowledge hiding permitted the use of reporting applications that send long search queries.

Use role-based limits.

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