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How the Maps Show Health

DXmanager lets you monitor the health of your directory in the Namespace and Topology maps.

In each of these maps, each part of the directory is shown as an icon. For example, a site is shown with the following icon:

Site icon in DXmanager

Every icon also has a small status indicator, as shown in the following table, in order of increasing severity:

Status Indicator


DXmanager icon - running


DXmanager icon - stopped


DXmanager icon - some running

Some running, and some stopped

DXmanager icon - unknown


For DSAs, the status indicator shows whether the DSA is running, stopped, or cannot be contacted. For example, a data DSA that is running is shown with the following icon:

Data DSA icon in DXmanager, with the "running" status

For all other parts of the backbone, the status indicator shows a roll-up of the statuses of the DSAs under it. For example, if a site includes some DSAs that are running and some that are stopped, the site is shown with the following icon:

Site icon in DXmanager, with the "some running" status

If any DSA has the status unknown, all higher sections also show the status unknown.

Links between icons can be shown as dashed or solid lines. Dashed lines mean there is no current connection between the icon and its higher-level host, site, region or backbone. A solid line means at least one DSA is running.

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