Previous Topic: DXsyntax Tool—Check the Configuration of DSAs

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How the DXsyntax Tool Works

The utility runs through the configuration files of each DSA in turn, reporting a detailed error message if it finds a problem. The error message specifies the line and file where the error was detected (the actual error may be earlier), and provides details on the error condition. Only one error is reported for each DSA checked, because a single error can cause a cascade of problems that is overwhelming.

If no errors are found, DXsyntax exits without a message, and with a return code of 0. This is handy for use in routine test scripts. If one or more errors are found, DXsyntax exits with an error message and a non-zero return code.

Note: The DXsyntax relies on the DXHOME environment variable. DXHOME must be set to the home path of DXserver. This is done automatically when CA Directory is installed. The DXsyntax tool expects the DSA configuration files to be located in the config folder under the path in DXHOME.

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