Previous Topic: Set a DSA to Use DISP Replication

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Example: DISP Replication

To configure the replication in the Democorp example, perform the following steps:

  1. Stop the DSAs.
  2. Ensure that the datastores of each DSA contain the same data.
  3. Create the DISP agreement in the configuration file (agreement.dxc) in the replication directory of both DSAs, using the following command:
    set agreement 1.1 =
       initiator = Democorp
        responder = Consumer
        area      = <countryName AU><organizationName Democorp>
  4. Ensure that the configuration for the Slave (Consumer) DSA configuration includes a DISP PSAP definition.
  5. Edit the Democorp master DSA initialization file (.dxi) to source the replication agreement, using the following command:
    # replication agreement
    source "../replication/agreement.dxc";
  6. Edit the Democorp slave DSA initialization file (.dxi) to source the replication agreement (agreement.dxc), using the following command:
    # replication agreement
    source "../replication/agreement.dxc";
  7. Start the DSAs, for example by using the following command:
    dxserver start all

Note: You can also consider setting the slave DSA to be a shadow.

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