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Example Class-of-Service Templates

The Excellent ISP company needs to use two templates. The standard-level template is as follows:

set class-of-service standard = {
object class	= excellentISPuser
cos-attr		= excellentISPpackage
cos-value		= "Standard"
attribute-values = {
(type		= excellentISPmailQuotaMB
value		= "20"
disposition		= default),
(type		= excellentISPwebSpaceMB
value		= "20"
disposition		= default),
(type		= excellentISPaccessHours
value		= "15"
disposition		= override),
(type		= excellentISPprice
value		= "19.95"
disposition		= default),
(type		= excellentISPextraHoursPrice
value		= "1.00"
disposition		= default)

The premium-level template is as follows:

set class-of-service premium = {
object class		= excellentISPuser
cos-attr		= excellentISPpackage
cos-value		= "Premium"
attribute-values = {
(type		= excellentISPmailQuotaMB
value		= "30"
disposition		= default),
(type		= excellentISPwebSpaceMB
value		= "30"
disposition		= default),
(type		= excellentISPaccessHours
value		= "Unlimited"
disposition		= override),
(type		= excellentISPprice
value		= "29.95"
disposition		= default),
(type		= excellentISPextraHoursPrice
value		= "0.00"
disposition		= default)

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