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Enable Hashed Passwords in Tomcat

After you enable hashed passwords in Tomcat, you can include hashed passwords in either the local XML file of login account details, or in your existing directory or database.

Note: Before you begin, stop the Tomcat service: CA Directory Webserver. This disconnects any currently open sessions.

To enable hashed passwords in Tomcat

  1. Find the following file, and open it in a text editor:
  2. Find the <realm> section, then add the digest and digestEncoding elements. For each of these, choose from SHA, MD2, and MD5. For example:
    <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm"

    Note: When you do not specify the digestEncoding element, Tomcat uses the platform default. If your directory or database uses a different encoding to the platform default, see the information about Tomcat realms on the Apache site for instructions.

  3. Start the Tomcat service: CA Directory Webserver.

    You can now include hashed passwords in the login accounts for DXmanager.

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