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Enable Dynamic Groups

Dynamic roles are based on the dxMemberURL attribute of the following object classes:

You can add these attributes to a groupOfNames or groupOfUniqueNames object class respectively so that dxMemberURL can be included.

To enable dynamic groups

  1. Stop the DSA.
  2. Add the following commands to the DSA's settings:
    clear dynamic-group;
    set dynamic-group [tag] = {
    objectclass = object-class
    url-attr = attribute
    member-attr = attribute

    For example:

    set dynamic-group GROUP = {
    objectclass = dxDynamicGroupOfNames
    url-attr = dxMemberURL
    member-attr = member
  3. Start the DSA.
  4. Ensure that the DIT contains a subtree in which you can store the roles entries.

    For instance, the examples use the following subtree:


More information:

set dynamic-group Command

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