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DXloaddb Tool—Load a Datastore from an LDIF File

Use DXloaddb to load a datastore from a LDIF file. The datastore must already exist. All previous information in the datastore is deleted.

Usage notes:

This command has the following format:

dxloaddb [options] dsa ldif-file 

Example: Create and Load a Datastore

The correct sequence in which to create and load a datastore is:


Example: Load LDIF Data into Datastore

The following example loads the data from democorp.ldif file to datastore democorp:

dxloaddb democorp democorp.ldif 

IThe following is a possible part of democorp.ldif :

dn: o=Democorp, c=US
oc: organization
dn: ou=Administration, o=Democorp, c=US
oc: organizationalUnit
dn: cn=Fred Jones, ou=Administration, o=Democorp, c=US
oc: organizationalPerson
postalAddress: 11 Main Street $ Newtown
surname: Jones
title: Manager
telephonenumber: +1 (123) 456 7890
telephonenumber: +1 (987) 654 3210
dn: ou=Sales, o=democorp, c=US
oc: organizationalUnit

Telephonenumber appears twice because it is a multi-valued attribute

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