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DXdelete Tool—Delete Directory Entries

Use the DXdelete tool to delete one or more directory entries. To delete a single entry, supply the target DN identification by a direct command-line entry. To delete multiple entries, use input from a file.

This command has the following format:

dxdelete [options] [dn]

Example: dxldap.conf file on a Windows System, Specifying the TLS_REQCERT Setting

TLS_CACERT  c:\program files\CA\Directory\dxserver\config\ssld\trusted.pem

Example: dxldap.conf file on a UNIX System, Using the Default TLS_REQECRT Setting

TLS_CACERT  /opt/CA/Directory/dxserver/config/ssld/trusted.pem

Example: Delete an Entry

This example uses the Democorp sample directory supplied with CA Directory. You can repeat this example as a training exercise.

The following command deletes the entry Murray J Horsfall:

dxdelete -v -h hostname:19389 "cn=Murray J HORSFALL,ou=Repair, ou=Operations,o=Democorp,c=AU"

To test that the entry was deleted, use the DXsearch tool.

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