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A source data file is a comma-separated list of values. Each source data (CSV) file can contain many lines, and each line in the file should contain information about a single object or entry.

While the default separator is a comma, the DXtools support the use of alternative and user-defined separators.

You should enclose embedded commas within quotes. For example, if Tom Smith's address is contained as a single field, you can include embedded commas in the single address field:

Tom,Smith,"36 High Street,Boystown,NY"

To accommodate embedded quotation marks, as when applied to a property name in an address field, always use two sequential quotation marks to represent a single quotation mark in text. For example, if Tom Smith used his property name "The Grange" in his address:

Tom,Smith,"""The Grange"",High Street,Boystown,NY"

Example: CSV Data File

Fred,Jones,Manager,Administration,987 6254
Tom,Smith,Sales Person,Sales,987 6251
Bill,Smith,Foreman,Manufacturing,987 6257
Ken,Anderson,Account Manager,Sales,987 6255
Wendy,Murphy,Clerk,Administration,987 6233
Ann,Thompson,Receptionist,Administration,987 6222
Ian,Hall,Boilermaker,Manufacturing,987 6510
Linda,Bates,Accountant,Administration,987 6511

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