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Create a Namespace Partition

A namespace partition is a sub-section of the directory information tree.

You need to create a namespace partition before you can create a DSA that serves the partition.

Note: Decide if this namespace partition is to be served by a router DSA or a data DSA. One namespace partition cannot be served by both types of DSA.

To create a namespace partition

  1. Log in to DXmanager as a user with the Change or Superuser role.
  2. Ensure that DXmanager is in Edit mode.
  3. Click the Maps tab and display the Namespace map.
  4. Right-click on any node and select Add a new partition.
  5. Enter the following details:
  6. When you are satisfied with the settings, click OK.

    The Maps tab appears, showing the Namespace map.

    You can now assign a DSA to serve this namespace partition.

  7. (Optional) Save this version of the configuration, as follows:
    1. Click Configuration, Save.
    2. Enter a comment that describes the current state of the configuration, and then click OK.

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