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Connect To The Directory Using SSL

You should now connect to the directory using SSL, to confirm the SSL functionality. You can use an LDAP browser such as JXplorer.

To test the SSL functionality

  1. Use an LDAP browser to connect to the router DSA, using the following details:

    When the connection is established, a dialog appears, similar to the following:

    This confirms your trust of the trusted root certificate that has been presented to the LDAP browser.

  2. To trust the certificate and add it to the trusted certificate key store of the JXplorer browser, click Always.

    This connection validates that CA Directory is communicating with HSM.

  3. Confirm the certificate has been loaded into the keystore of the browser. To do this in JXplorer, click on the Security menu, and select Trusted servers and CAs.

    This opens a lists of the certificates registered in the keystore.

    Because the root CA is trusted by the browser, any DSA that presents a certificate signed by this root CA is immediately trusted by your browser.

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