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Configure the Entrust DSA

When you create a new DSA, the initialization file of the new DSA sources the default configuration files. In this case, the new Entrust DSA is set to use the default configuration files.

When you upgrade CA Directory, these default configuration files are overwritten, even if you have customized them.

To prevent an upgrade from overwriting the configuration files used by the Entrust DSA, you should create your own set of configuration files and set the Entrust DSA to use these.

To customize the Entrust DSA

  1. Create copies of the following default configuration files:
  2. Edit the servers\entrust-Master-entrust.dxi file to source the new configuration files.

    The DXI file should now look like this:

    # Computer Associates DXserver
    # Initialization file written by dxmanager
    # logging and tracing
    source "../logging/entrust.dxc";
    # LEGACY licence
    # source "../licence/dxmanager.dxc";
    # schema
    clear schema;
    source "../schema/entrust.dxg";
    # knowledge
    clear dsas;
    source "../knowledge/entrust.dxc";
    # operational settings
    source "../settings/entrust.dxc";
    # service limits
    source "../limits/entrust.dxc";
    # database
    source "../database/entrustdb.dxc";
    # database settings
    source "../database/entrust.dxc";
    # access controls
    clear access;
    source "../access/dxmanager.dxc";
    # replication agreements (rarely used)
    # source "../replication/";
    # multiwrite DISP recovery
    set multi-write-disp-recovery = false;
    # cache configuration
    # set max-cache-size = 100;
    # set cache-index = commonName, surname;
    # set cache-attrs = all-attributes;
    # set lookup-cache = true;
  3. Open the schema file schema/entrust.dxg in a text editor.
  4. Add the following line to the file:
    source "entrust.dxc";
  5. Save and close the schema.
  6. When the Entrust DSA is started, it will source the Entrust schema.
  7. Confirm that the configuration files do not contain errors, using the following command:

    If no messages appear, the configuration contains no errors.

    If there are any errors, fix them, and then run dxsyntax command again.

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