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Configuration Inheritance in DXmanager

DXmanager applies hierarchical inheritance to the configuration of CA Directory. You can set values for configuration items at the following levels, which are listed here in order from the broadest (least specific) level to the most specific:

  1. Backbone—(broadest level) Works as a default value for the whole directory.
  2. Namespace partition—This affects all DSAs that serve that partition.
  3. Region—This affects all DSAs in that region.
  4. Site—This affects all DSAs in that site.
  5. Host—This affects all DSAs on that host.
  6. DSA—(Most specific level)

Using DXmanager, you can create configuration values at any of these levels A value at a more specific level overrrides a value at a broader level. So, for example, a value specified at DSA level overrides a value specified at Namespace partition level.

When you change a configuration value, all inherited instances of that configuration item change as well.

DXmanager displays which configuration values are inherited and where they are inherited from.

Not all configuration items can be set at all levels. In particular, you cannot set values in the network topology levels for configuration items that are applicable to namespaces.

We recommend that you set configuration values at the broadest level possible. This makes it easier for you to make changes across the backbone, also means that you do not need to specify so much new information when you add a new item.

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