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Comparison of Static and Dynamic Groups

The following table compares static and dynamic groups:

Static Groups & Roles

Dynamic Groups & Roles

Reasons to use

  • The group membership is relatively stable.
  • The group membership changes frequently
  • Groups have large numbers of members


  • Allows use of static roles
  • Allows use of dynamic roles
  • Easy to maintain (no need to add or delete members from groups)
  • No restriction on the number of members


  • Hard to maintain (need to manually add and delete members from groups)
  • Update time increases as the number of group members increases
  • Data size may increase if the number of groups is very high and entries are included in many groups (due to members being listed many times)
  • Performance may decrease if the number of groups is very high (due to high number of group evaluations)
  • Applications cannot query group membership directly (instead, applications can read the group entry, and then search the members)

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