Character Limitations and Special Characters
CA Directory requires that the names of computers, users, directories, and so on, are valid for the operating system and also adhere to the following restrictions:
- Installation Location for CA Directory ($DXHOME or %DXHOME%)The name of the location (folder or directory) that CA Directory is installed into must contain only alphabetic and numeric characters.
- DXlink Password in the Knowledge File (ldap-dsa-password)If the password that you specify for ldap-dsa-password in the knowledge file contains a backslash (\), you must escape it with a second backslash (\\).
For example, if the actual password is p3.M\b@), you must include it in the knowledge file like this:
ldap-dsa-password = "p3.M\\b@)"
- Other Character LimitationsCA Directory requires that the following items include only the standard ASCII characters that appear in English:
- DSA names
- Directory prefixes, for example, <c AU><o DEMOCORP>