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DXadmind Times Out after Upgrading

Valid on UNIX


After I upgrade CA Directory, DXadmind times out when started.


This problem occurs because DXadmind is already running.

In a standard upgrade for DXserver, the upgrade process stops and restarts DXadmind when the upgrade is complete. However, if you cancel the installation for DXserver during the process, DXadmind may not have stopped. As a result, it times out when it tries to restart.

To fix the problem, you need to stop and restart DXadmind.

To stop and restart DXadmind

  1. Enter the following command:
    dxadmind status

    The status of Dxadmind appears.

  2. Log in as the DXserver administrator.

    Note: You need to be logged in as the DXserver administrator to run the command dxadmind start.

    By default, the user name for the DXserver administrator is dsa.

  3. Enter the following command:
    dxadmind stop

    DXadmind stops.

  4. Enter the following command:
    dxadmind start

    DXadmind restarts.

  5. If DXadmind times out again, do the following:
    1. Enter the following command:
      ps -ef | grep dxadmind

      The command finds the Dxadmind process and a response which includes a line similar to the following appears:

      dsa 6204 1 0 21:23:34 ? 0:00 dxadmind start

      In this example, the process name is dxadmind, and the process number is 6204.

    2. Enter either of the following commands:
      pkill dxadmind
      kill 6204

      DXadmind ends.

    3. Enter the following command:
      dxadmind start all

      DXadmind restarts.

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