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How a DSA Uses Its Initialization File

When an administrator starts a DSA, the DSA uses its initialization file in the following way:

  1. The DSA looks for a file in DXHOME/config/servers that has the same name as the DSA and a .dxi extension.

    For example, a DSA named Democorp looks for the file Democorp.dxi.

  2. The DSA reads the initialization file and executes the commands in the order they are read.

    A source command causes the DSA to read the sourced file, and execute commands in that file.

The order of commands and sourced files is important because some commands require certain settings to be defined. For example, access control rules require that attributes are already defined, so the schema (which defines attributes) must occur before access control rules are defined.

If an error occurs while reading the configuration files, the DSA cannot start. You can find information about this error in both the operating system error log and the DSA alarm and trace log files in the dxserver/logs directory.

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