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A site is a DXmanager term for collection of hosts that are connected by a reliable, fast and low latency network, such as a LAN. hosts A site corresponds to a load sharing group.

We recommend that you equate sites to your actual data centers.

Each host belongs to exactly one site.

DXmanager represents a site with this icon: Site icon in DXmanager

If a number of hosts within a site manage the same namespace then DXmanager shares the load between the hosts.

A router does not send read queries to a different site if there is a DSA in the same site that can handle the query.

If there is no DSA on the same site that can handle a read query, the router sends the query to another site in the same region, and if there is no DSA available there, it sends the query to another region.

The router sends updates to only one DSA in each region. It uses the first DSA in its list of DSAs.

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