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Known Issues On Windows Only

Cannot Install on a Network Drive

CA Directory cannot be installed on a network drive. If you try to install CA Directory on a network drive, an error message appears and the installation allows you to change to a local directory instead of the network drive.

DXtools Do Not Support Files Larger Than 4GB on Windows 32Bit

Contact CA Support if you intend to process a file with more than 4GB of data on Windows.

Upgrades on Windows May Impact Other CA Products

Many CA products use a shared Licensing component called Lic98. If you have Lic98 version 1.7 or 1.8, it may be left in an unusable state when a product that needs it is uninstalled. CA Directory removes all older versions of CA Directory during upgrade to r12 SP1 and this could break other CA products calling Lic98.

To work around this issue, upgrade Lic98 to version 1.8.01 or later. To do this, refer to the CA ALP License Update for Windows.

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