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Known Issues On Linux Only

Index for PDF Documentation Does Not Work on Linux

In Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 on Linux, the PDF index does not work. This means that when you open one of the PDF user documents on Linux in Reader 7, you will see a long error message, starting with the following text: Acrobat could not load the following search index associated with this document...

You can still read the PDFs, and you can still search for text within a particular PDF.

Nautilus Warnings

When logging in as the user dsa on Linux platforms, some applications may display errors due to the environmental variable "POSIXLY_CORRECT" being set in the dsa user's environment. This flag is required for the correct operation of the DXtools. If this flag is removed from the environment so the other applications can work correctly it must be set again before calling any of the DXtools. This may be accomplished by wrapping the tools in a shell script.

CA Directory Does Not Operate Correctly with SELinux on RedHat

You must disable SElinux to allow CA Directory to operate correctly.

Compatibility Standard C++ Libraries Needed on RedHat Enterprise Linux 5

Before installing Directory Management package on RedHat Enterprise Linux 5, you need to install

DSAs May Not Start Automatically After Reboot on SuSe 9.3 After Installing EEM

On SuSe 9.3, if you install CA EEM after installing CA Directory, EEM creates duplicate symbolic links to /etc/init.d/dxserver. As a result the script is called twice, and fails.

To work around this issue, delete the duplicate symbolic links. The name of the symbolic link is called S99dxserver. Delete that link from the following directories:

DXdumpdb and DXloaddb Fail When the "get cache;" Command is Used

If you upgrade CA Directory from r8.1 to r12 SP1 and you have the "get cache;" command defined in the configuration, DXdumpdb and DXloaddb will fail as their parser detects this and returns an error.

When this happens during an upgrade, the installation program prompts you to find out whether you want to continue with the installation, causing data to be lost.

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